Channel: Comments on: America Is Out Of Control

By: tony W


No doubt RMB is on the rise and USD is on the decline in terms of status in the world. One key factor preventing RMB to gain worldwide acceptance is the government’s controlled exchange rate.

It is extremely unlikely the Chinese government will allow the exchange rate to move freely any time soon. Don’t see it happening in 5 years, may be even 10.

By: mike


When J. Rogers says “is and has always been” he is not using the word “always” in its ordinary sense. Indeed, I’m not at all sure what he means by “always” in this context. Presumably when he says “has always been” he means “has always been… except for back before it was,” which, in general, is not thought of as meaning the same thing as “has always been.”

By: Moneymonk


I had the same clip on my blog, I’m interested in seeing the movie

By: Andy


Can America simply choose to not repay the debt in exchange for say world wide policing services?

By: tony W


America shouldn’t and couldn’t afford to be the world policemen. And those holding the debt are investors, both domestic and foreign. All they care is their money is safe. If there’s even a hint that they will not be repaid, no one will buy the US government bonds/notes. How do the US government finance their 500bn annual budget deficit?

By: Alex Wilson


Hi there,

Thought it would be interesting to give you some insight from an Australian perspective.

We have had a lot of issues in our own economy due to the issues in the US, to the point that our retirement funds and more have lost billions due to risky investment options that the US have created and put forward to the world, based on a ridiculous incentive of greed and ROI.

If we learn anything from this global meltdown it should be that we need more responsible measures in place for the US Economy, as it doesn’t only affect the US - it takes down the whole world with it.

Feel free to drop me a comment at my blog.


By: Ray The Money Man


Well it didn’t take long to realize that the bailout will do nothing to satisfy the debt in anyway. Now the IMF says it will consider bailing out the Argentenian currency.

How do you say IMF…..American tax payer!

Great post!

By: retireby35


I watched the movie and it scared the bejeezus out of me. I don’t see how things can be rectified as the government spends more and more money that it doesn’t have.

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